October 15, 2024 3:40 a.m.
The League of Women Voters of the Umpqua Valley will host a town hall for Roseburg City Council candidates on Wednesday, October 23rd.
For the first time in many years, there are two candidates running for all four council positions which are up a vote. Organizers say the event will be an opportunity for the community to get to know those who are running for election, or re-election.
The town hall will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Ford Room, of the Roseburg Public Library. Each candidate will be allowed to introduce themselves before taking written questions from audience members. Attendees will be able to write a question on a note card prior to the start of the event. Questions must be non-partisan in nature.
For more information on The League of Women Voters of the Umpqua Valley, go to: https://lwvuv.org/