Local News

October 14, 2024 3:30 a.m.

The Roseburg City Council will consider downtown parking enforcement options as part of its meeting Monday night.

The city has had a contract with ACE Parking Enforcement since the start of 2022. However, ACE has failed to generate enough revenue to cover the cost of its contract. The council has had a number of special meetings on the issue and even established a short-term committee to look for solutions. The Off-Street Parking fund continues to operate at a deficit. The city has continued to cover the costs of the program by using American Rescue Plan Act funds.

At a potential crossroads, as the contract with ACE will conclude at the end of this year, the council is looking at three options.

The first is to renew the contract and further evaluate the parameters in which 25 percent of the Off-Street Parking fund will be paid by downtown property and business owners. This is based upon the proposed adjustment and changes ACE has presented in order to generate 75 percent of the funds necessary to balance the Off-Street Parking fund.

Option two is to review the contact with ACE and evaluate different options for generating parking revenue not already presented. The final possibility is to direct staff to not renew the contract. This would trigger a repayment clause for initial startup costs. The council can also request additional information from staff.

Staff are recommending that the council select the first option.

The council will also get an update on the proposed Urban Growth Boundary Swap. The 2024 Oregon Public Library Statistical report will be presented.

Other items are on the agenda as well.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers. It can be seen on the city’s Facebook page or viewed later at

An Executive Session with legal counsel regarding litigation will be held at the conclusion of the regular meeting. It is not open to the public.



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