A broken printer

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmKbg4yTI3I[/embedyt]       Well, friends, it’s quite safe to say that this week I have too many things to talk about. The dial has been turned up to 11/10 in terms of the heat on the subjects of today. Everywhere I look I see incredible, yet incredibly controversial subjects that would require more…

Have Mercy on Mercy

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUlJfTGd6f0[/embedyt]       “I have thought it my duty to exhibit things as they are, not as they ought to be.” -Alexander Hamilton     Every week there comes a time, when I look at my task list, scour my emails, and finally spot a moment to inform all of you lovely people…

It takes the village…

Wow. This is going to be one of those weeks where instead of content spilling out of my brain, instead I am left with partial ideas based on a notion rather than research or coherent thoughts. I say this because I am watching around me as some of the best humans, I have ever known…

Pardon My Trans-gressions

Ok friends, this one is going to be a little bit difficult, because It’s a topic I have wanted to discuss for a very long time, but I have never been able to think of the proper way to introduce the subject. I’m not the most athletic of individuals, as my knowledge of the “Sports-ball”…

Our Morality Check

A lot of people ask me, what has compelled me to want to dive into such deep or controversial conversations during a time where “wrong-think” could be so easily criticized. What causes me to be so #obsessed™ about our current state of discourse. Of course, the easy answer for most people is attention. It’s rather…

Unmasked At Last

Houston, we have landed…   Well, friends, the time is here for me to find something important to write about. In light of recent events, I have chosen to take a pause on world issues, as I fear I don’t see an end to the problems anytime soon. Nor do I feel anxious to put…

Anti-Social Media

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Hello friends. I’m going to be quite honest. I wasn’t really sure I was going to say anything this week. As I really don’t think this is the best time for foolish remarks. There are too many things about this current conflict that I am unaware of. I haven’t exactly spent a fair amount of…

A Strike Of The Horn

  “No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   Holy mercy where do I even begin this week? As I have been dealing with a sick child and a screaming pain in my jaw, I have to…

Joe To My Left, Rogan To Your Right

  “I have thought it my duty to exhibit things as they are, not as they ought to be.” – Alexander Hamilton     Another week, another attempt at navigating our current cultural environment. I have to admit, this process has become a bit more challenging as now I find myself labored with the duty…

The Honking Will Stop When The Freedom Improves

Before I start forming my thoughts on this, I want to make something quite clear, I was really torn between writing about this, or writing about the Spotify and Joe Rogan debacle. I certainly have a lot to say about the Overton Window shifting so far to the left that simply questioning public concern is…

Sheltering the Unsheltered

Ladies and Gentlemen the time has come once again for me to record my thoughts down onto a blank word document, and then attempt to carefully construct it into something that can be considered a well-thought-out idea. With my plate becoming more and more full as the world opens up, I am once again later…

Confirming Our Bias

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    Before I even attempt to tackle this subject this week, I want to take note of how difficult of a task this is for me to talk about, let alone explain. It’s quite obvious we are living in a rather strange time. I mean that literally, not just metaphorically. Never in human history…

The Costs of Labor

Alas, the time is here for me to attempt to enlighten you all with some sort of new information, thought-provoking idea, or deep nuanced take on something that digs deep at my soul. So I admit, this may come with a bit of exhaustion. Truth is, I have gotten to this task at a much…

For yOUR Safety

­­  “Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery.” -Fyodor Dostoesvky   A new year is here, and once more I find myself scanning articles and headlines looking to see what is most important to talk about with all of you. I must admit, the topic of January 6th…

New Year, New Fool

“Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear the most.” -Fyodor Dostoevsky   Last week, I wrote about the idea of actually taking a pause from all the craziness. This year had just been so much that I figured the idea of taking a break from the ideological battles that have…