Unmasked At Last

Houston, we have landed…


Well, friends, the time is here for me to find something important to write about. In light of recent events, I have chosen to take a pause on world issues, as I fear I don’t see an end to the problems anytime soon. Nor do I feel anxious to put the spotlight on me for what could easily be very misunderstood takes.
Instead, I am choosing to direct the attention towards issues that directly affect those around us. The global pest that has plagued nearly every social encounter, and discussion of basic chivalry. The taboo subject that has torn apart families. The boogeyman that has killed small businesses left and right. The pariah that has reshaped the way we approach our steadfast confidence in the medical fields. The devil in the details…

I want to talk about the end of the masks.



“The loss of liberty to a generous mind is worse than death”

-Alexander Hamilton



Today we are reaching a new milestone in the Pandemic of our lives. Our governor has officially announced that today will be the last day for the “official mask mandate.”
Now if you live in Douglas County, you may very well be confused as to why this is news, as it seems we were already pretty lax on the masks, to begin with. I have yet to see an altercation involving the police and masks, outside of a notice on the door for some local businesses during the beginning of the craziness. However, in my experience the further north you go, the more masks you tend to see. Or at least as you move towards more dense populations, which does make sense. It is rather difficult for me to make out if this is because of a general health concern, or because of fear of moving against the crowds. I also hear a fair amount more reports of altercations regarding civil disobedience regarding the masks.
I have always stated that a single law only has power if there are those willing to enforce it, and lo-and-behold our constabulary here was rather adamant on letting the issue fall to basic chivalry. An idea that I personally agree with, as it is rather a difficult conversation to argue the efficacy of mask-wearing when we can’t even witness the direct results of our choices. Alas, the argument becomes moot when we can’t even agree on which reality we are being presented with. Another variable for mudding the already polarized waters we currently tread in.
As an average citizen, this day means very little to me, as I’ll be quite honest, I haven’t really worn it as much as would be expected. I generally will put when on when asked politely, but I normally start by walking in without it. I also have significantly reduced the amount of travel that I do anyways, as the awkwardness of the issue has been plenty enough of an excuse for me to avoid face-to-face interaction.
I have really just wanted to know what is the polite chivalrous method of operation in this environment because I have rarely found “crowds” to operate based on logic. I also don’t tend to take kindly to blanket laws regarding politeness or threats of reputation loss for not being virtuous enough. As strange as it is to say, people do have the right to be rude but that doesn’t mean that I want everyone bullying each other.
I don’t have to agree with what people say, but I will fight tooth and nail for their right to say it.


“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

-George Orwell

I honestly don’t think we have handled these last few years like adults, and instead, we let a very important issue become a political talking point. We certainly need to do better next time, because It’s only going to get more confusing the further we head in this direction.
However, as a parent, I take great pride in this occasion, because it means my children can finally start reverting back to a more normal approach of interaction. At least for the most part. Teachers and schools won’t be held to such a glaring flame over what is likely a social issue, rather than a health one at this point.
This does not mean that damage is corrected though, as I do worry about a generation of children growing up with a rather false sense of virtue having been considered “heroes” these last few years thanks to a tiny piece of cloth over their faces. Maybe I’m just being too critical, but I can’t help but think this doesn’t bode well in the interest of grounding ourselves in truth.
As for those that will likely be those advocating for further use of the masks, I do understand your argument. Our trust in society has dwindled to a rather concerning new low in these past few years. With people living with different information presented to them, it becomes nearly impossible to agree on what we should do collectively as a society.
That all being said, I personally advocate the best approach is for us to live and let live. To aim for a model that encourages compassion and curiosity, rather than falling into the trap of taking a side in a pointless fight.
With all of that out of the way, I want to leave you with a list that I have been coming up with for fun things to do with the leftover pieces of cloth that have taken over your kitchens, bedrooms, offices, and wherever else you forgot the stupid thing. Feel free to contribute to the list yourself, as I am very curious to see what other cool things people can come up with to celebrate the hopeful end for such a strange time in history.


1.) Parachutes for Toy soldiers – Like the one that I used for the silly featured graphic. 

2.)  Make Sails for a toy sailboat

3.) Future Halloween Ninja costumes – It’s never been easier to cosplay Mortal Kombat characters

4.) Air Filtration for spray paint – The main use I got out of my mask during the beginning of the lockdowns. I was quite obsessed with painting Warhammer 40k miniatures

5.) Extra dust rags for cleaning

6.) Do it yourself Knee and Elbow pads with cotton pads for children 

7.) Marble Sling, Golf Ball Holder, Rock Collecting – Or really anything that gets the kids to get off the Xbox

8.) Make an outfit with sewn-together masks.  – Probably the least effective, but still more useful than what we are currently using them for I imagine.

9.) Night-time sleeping masks for blocking light.

10.) Instagram photos burning our masks for fake internet points 


As for future content on this blog, I will be taking an approach towards a less informative approach, and instead would like to continue to discuss ideas I have had regarding cultural questions. I don’t find myself qualified enough to talk about issues of health and safety, but I do think it could be rather helpful to introduce my perspective regarding everyday interactions. So I am not taking myself off the flame quite yet, as I feel that I operate best when I feel some sort of heat on my back. I do want to experiment with other topics as well as I am mainly looking at sharpening my toolkit in every way that I can find. If you think of a topic you would like me to discuss feel free to let me know


Until next time friends

– The Young Fool