A Jury Of Our Fears



Every week when I sit down to write these out, I am generally filled with a ton of ideas and have to compartmentalize them all into what is useful to my post, and what is not. This task becomes increasingly difficult as the more you notice, the harder it becomes to maintain your own sanity. This week, I may just be going insane, but I think there’s a pretty clear problem.

We have lost all sense of reason


There is no easy way to say this. Next Monday, is a day that I believe is going to go down in history. Unfortunately, not in a way we should be proud of. October 18th is the final day for federal government employees to either get a vaccine for the boogey man of our time, or face termination and likely ostracization from “civil” society. Those of us who are fortunate to work in an environment that is unaffected by this date, likely do not understand the ramifications of removing one’s safety net for a moral and albeit, personal decision. In my honest opinion, this is not what the “good guys” tend to represent.

We are living in a time of unprecedented unemployment and supply shortage. It is not uncommon for the average person to walk up to a business only to be met with a sign that illustrates a rather dire labor situation. We need more workers. It’s not like there is a shortage of abled-bodied individuals to fill these positions either. We have seen a rather insane number of individuals living off of unemployment in the last year, especially in areas where the unemployment dollars tend to pay higher than the average workers salary. Why would someone work when they can get the money for free? While it is quite obvious what is fueling this mass wave of unemployment, I fear that it is about to get a lot worse.

The less workers you have, the worse the working conditions become, which just leads to more and more people quitting. It’s a cascading failure where the blame is extremely blurred. Though I have my suspicions.

Meanwhile in hospitals nationwide, nurses are resigning in masse over protection of their bodily autonomy. As it turns out, even the people who are fighting this plague daily don’t want to have their medical choices mandated against their will. We are living in a time, where our frontline heroes, the ones who are battling the evil plague we face every day, are refusing the proposed cure. To make matters worse we are being taught daily to villainize these people for being selfish. I couldn’t make this up if I tried. To say something feels strange would be redundant. This is the actual Twilight Zone.

Up until now I have tried to avoid using the words COVID or Vaccine, and instead I have used words like medical freedom or bodily autonomy. However, for the sake of this week’s article I will be a bit more liberal with the “Voldemort” in the room. This truly is an unprecedented time. Never before have we witnessed this much authoritarianism be so supported by our peers. COVID has been the top of mind for the last year and a half. Now we have a new word to be paranoid of. The proverbial “Jew” in the room.


The Unvaccinated


The way we use this new term sends chills down my spine. Something that a few years ago would have only warranted an eye roll as we debated someone on the internet about the sparse correlation with Autism and Polio shots. Oh, how I wish life was still as simple. When you hear the word being used so disparagingly from some of the world’s most elite and influential people, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Like a king regarding the peasantry below them as serfs. Or when your neighbor cruelly mentions the word as if it’s the only real problem standing in their way of survival. The Unvaccinated quickly become an “other.”

There is something this word possesses that is totally detached from reality. Granted, our history books never tell positive tales about civilizations that have so easily classified their people in such a heinous manner. I have always had a deep problem with people looking at each other as an “other.”  Especially when the masses are being told that the “other” is something we are now supposed to shun and fear. It quickly solves the 1942 problem of how an entire country could so easily ally themselves against a domestic threat. Nightmare fuel. But it would never get “holocaust” bad, right? We are a civilized society that only wants to help one another.

The craziest part is the amount of information that is being removed from the discussion. Now I get the idea of fighting misinformation, we don’t want to mislead people into drinking “fish tank cleaner” after all. However, we are entering a very strange, trust-based system that is being proposed by institutions who have given us very little reason to trust them. Then those exact same messages are being blasted in every single market one can fathom in order to make sure that we have as many people as possible in lockstep with this trust-based system. If you question the authenticity of any of this process, you are now either removed from the discussion, given a “False Fact Check” or you are labeled as an “other.”

I don’t know about you, I don’t really feel comfortable with living in a world where the Government, The Pharmaceutical Industry, and the Corporate Press are the only entities allowed to discuss such important issues regarding these “others”. Especially when we living with an notably undereducated society during a pandemic. Not to mention they have proven time and time again to be out for their own interests. Without a single care in the world who is stepped on to obtain what they are trying to achieve. But what are they trying to achieve?

That is part of the problem that I wish to discuss. Every single day we are being told that the Unvaccinated are the biggest reason we are still dealing with such a bevy of new problems. Mass Unemployment? People clearly don’t want to work with the plague running rampant, so of course we should blame those who refuse to fight the plague! More people testing positive than before? Clearly the Unvaccinated are to blame as the Vaccinated are obviously catching the disease from the “others” who refuse to just comply with our authoritarian principles. It’s for the greater good.

Doctors and Scientists who advocate for further research before mandating anything? Clearly conspiracy theorists who are misleading people away from the only acceptable narratives. Patriots who question election integrity? Well obviously, there is a correlation with the unvaccinated who believe in freedom. Do you see where I am going with this? We went from “We are all in this together,” To “Comply or Die” in a matter of a year. But its fine, everyone still has food and power. People would never wish harm on their peers for not agreeing that collective ideology is more important than individual freedom, right? We are clearly all heroes who would risk our own lives against the will of our peers. Or at least that is what we would love to believe. However, we are starting to realize the horrors of reality. When some of the biggest icons in media today are proudly disavowing those who do not agree with their medical choices, you start to realize what evil really feels like.


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

-Joseph Goebbels


There is something unbelievably haunting about the fact that in order to even have this conversation you have to first realize that you are against Goliath. A monolithic machine that is incredibly powerful at telling people what to believe and what not to believe. Much like the intensely organized army of World War 2 Germany. The average person is pitted against not just the media, nor their own government, but their own peers. Trying to defend one’s rights against an angry mob never ends up well.


How is one supposed to defend themselves…

When you are an other?


Thank you for reading,
-The Young Fool



Credit for music – Bensound.com